Walakpa Gas Field Microturbines

Walakpa Gas Field Microturbines

Project Description The North Slope Borough’s (NSB) remote Walakpa Gas Field was powered by three 125kW Waukesha generators that had reached end of life and needed to be replaced. The NSB decided to replace the three generators with Capstone Turbines – C65 65kW...
INSS Panel “P” Arc Flash Reductions

INSS Panel “P” Arc Flash Reductions

Project Description Chugach Electric Association (Chugach) is the largest electric utility in Alaska and is headquartered in Anchorage, AK. The Panel “P” Arc Flash Reductions project was located at the International Substation (INSS), south of the Chugach main office...
Red Dog Mine Inspection & Design Support

Red Dog Mine Inspection & Design Support

Project Description Red Dog Operations is one of the world’s largest zinc mines and is located about 106 miles north of the Arctic Circle in northwest Alaska near Kotzebue. In 1989, Red Dog Operations was developed through an innovative operating agreement...