Welcome to Taku Engineering
Bill Mott, PE
President and General Manager
Principal Chemical and Materials Engineer
Bill Mott, PE is the President and General Manager as well as the Principal Chemical and Materials Engineer at Taku Engineering. Bill was born and raised in Connecticut. However, he wanted to live in Alaska since his early childhood. He attended the University of Connecticut (UConn) and graduated with degrees in Chemical Engineering and Materials Engineering. Mr. Mott soon gravitated to Corrosion Engineering and Integrity Management. He moved to Alaska in 1990 to assist the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company with managing corrosion on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS). Bill has become a recognized corrosion control expert over the course of the 30-years that he has been practicing and has assisted NACE with the development of new Cathodic Protection Technologist (CP3) and Specialist (CP4) exams. Bill’s expertise has led him to manage major projects throughout the State.
Bill has worked as the Principal Chemical and Materials Engineer for Taku Engineering since 2001. From 1990 to 2001, Mr. Mott was the Principal Engineer of Alaska Operations for Corrpro Companies. Prior to 1990, Mr. Mott was a Corrosion Research Engineer for Ocean City Research Corporation.
B.S. Chemical Engineering
B.S. Materials Engineering
Licenses and Certifications:
Licensed Professional Chemical Engineer, State of Alaska – No. AELH8983
Licensed Professional Materials Engineering, State of Alaska – No. AELB13991
NACE – Certified Cathodic Protection Specialist – CP4 No. 29359
NACE – Certified Senior Internal Corrosion Technologist – No. 29359
NACE – Certified Cathodic Protection Technician – CP2 No. 67506