Welcome to Taku Engineering
Rebecca Nikolic, PE
Engineering Manager and Chemical Engineer
Chemical Engineer
Rebecca Nikolic, PE is the Engineering Manager and a Chemical Engineer at Taku Engineering. Born and raised in Alaska, Rebecca joined Taku Engineering in 2012 shortly after graduating from Colorado State University with a degree in Chemical & Biological Engineering. Beginning her career as a project engineer, she supported numerous projects in rural areas of Alaska, gaining respect for both the state and the field of engineering. Leading a project from the conceptual phase to field construction was both rewarding and educational, and she enjoyed being involved in all phases of the project. The projects she supported included facility design and upgrades, water treatment, multi-phase metering, loading terminal renovation, infrastructure demolition and retirement, power generation, and processing facility piping.
Managing clients’ resources led to the addition of managing Taku’s own resources, and she enjoys the challenges of both. Delivering results on schedule and on budget is the objective of both, and an accomplishment to be proud of. Splitting her time between client projects and internal business management keeps her professional life interesting and fulfilling. Outside of the office, she enjoys hiking and camping in the Alaskan wilderness with friends and family, as well as traveling internationally as often as possible.
B.S. Chemical Engineering
Licenses and Certifications:
Licensed Professional Chemical Engineer, State of Alaska – No. 119259
NACE – Certified Cathodic Protection Technician – CP2 No. 67506