Red Dog Mine Inspection & Design Support

Project Description

Red Dog Operations is one of the world’s largest zinc mines and is located about 106 miles north of the Arctic Circle in northwest Alaska near Kotzebue.

In 1989, Red Dog Operations was developed through an innovative operating agreement between the mine operator (Teck) and the land-owner (NANA Corporation). NANA Corporation is the northwest Regional Alaska Native corporation owned by the Iñupiat people. The mine and concentrator lands are leased from and were developed in agreement with NANA Corporation.

Red Dog is an open-pit, truck-and-loader operation that uses conventional drill and blast mining methods. Concentrates produced at Red Dog are shipped to their metallurgical facilities in Trail, British Columbia and to customers in Asia and Europe.


Red Dog Mine Inspection & Design Support

What we did

Taku Engineering began to support efforts for the Red Dog Mine Port with a cathodic protection survey in 2010. The following year Taku Engineering was tasked with cathodic protection (CP) rectifier monitoring and data trending. Taku Engineering automated the rectifier trending process to reduce the cost by 75% and has continuously supported this effort ever since. Additionally, Taku Engineering began providing API 653 and STI SP001 tank inspection services in 2011.

Since 2012, Taku Engineering has provided Red Dog Operations a full suite of professional materials/corrosion engineering services including CP design services and on-site construction oversight for CP system upgrades. Additional materials/corrosion engineering services Taku Engineering provides Red Dog Operations include:

  • Materials/Corrosion Engineering Services
  • Cathodic Protection Surveys
  • Cathodic Project System Design
  • Waveform Analysis
  • Monthly Rectifier Data Analysis, Automation, and Trend Analysis
  • Construction Oversight
  • API 653 Tank Inspections
  • STI SP001 Tank Inspections

Final Results

Red Dog Mine provides employment and economic stability for several communities on the North Slope of Alaska. The shipping port facility can only operate in the summer months during the construction season. Taku Engineering has been able to provide flexible cathodic protection survey, inspection, and construction support to avoid down time during the critical shipping season. Taku Engineering has also automated and reduced the operating costs associated required regulatory data collection and reporting.


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